The parish of San Gottardo in Spriana has no ancient book collection.
The library is housed in the old parish priest's house in Via Cortile Vecchio, 1. Tel. 0342.558306.
It is a modest collection and consists of little more than 180 volumes, the majority of which were edited in the 19th century.
No inventory or catalogue has as yet been drawn up.
The historic library of the parish of the Saints Giacomo and Filippo in Chiesa is housed in the parish priest's house in Via Marconi, 12. Tel. 0342.451124.
It consists of over a thousand volumes, mainly of religious content.
A good 144 liturgical books, including missals, Bibles, masses for the Holy Virgin Mary, saints, the deceased and rites, published from the 17th to the 20th century.
There is also a Miscellaneous section, containing works of philosophy, history, classical literature and Italian literature.
Th library also holds various school exercise books belonging to don Costantino Longhini, parish priest in Chiesa from 1893 to 1923.
The parish historic library in Primolo is housed in the parish priest's house in Chiesa Valmalenco, in Via Marconi, 12. Tel. 0342.451124.
It consists of 213 religious volumes.
The parish historic library in Caspoggio is housed in the parish priest's house, in Piazza Milano, 25. Tel. 0342.453607.
It consists of 188 volumi, of which at least 14 were published in the 16th century.
Missale romanum.
The parish historic library in Lanzada is housed in the parish priest's house, in Via S. Giovanni, 694. Tel. 0342.453125.
The library consists of approximately a thousand volumes, published between 1501 and 1900.
The library also possesses an incunabulum of 1496.
Approximately 170 of these volumes date back to between 1500 and 1600.
Another 150 volumes bear edition dates of the 17th century, whereas 346 works are from the eighteenth century.
Handwritten parchments used to bind the printed volumes.