Four art teachers, Agnese Bergomi, Elena Picceni, Angela Rossi and Ancilla Parolini, provide the wonderful fulcrum of this project.
They will teach the young girls in the first and second year (between the ages of 15 and 17) of the course for fashion and tailoring professionals at the Centre for
Vocational Training in Sondrio to make something they have always made for themselves and for their own family members: the Pedü.
These shoes will bridge the two generations.
The project wishes to give innovative added value to a traditional product, which must not disappear.
The iniative has involved the Municipality and Library of Lanzada, ValtNet and the Emporio Marzotto - Tessuti in Sondrio.
Our special thanks go to the elderly of the "Pensioner's Afternoon in Lanzada”, who shared their memories and experiences.
The development of the project will be described, chapter after chapter, step by step, on the website